Participation in the Trainings arranged by the Krishi Vigyan Kendra: Interested farmers may register their names with the Krishi Vigyan Kendra either personally or through Phone for the training he /she wishes to attend. The Krishi Vigyan Kendra can also arrange an off campus training on desired topics in farmer’s village if more than 20 farmers from the same village want to participate.
Farmer’s can participate in Krishi Vigyan Kendra’s other extension activities such as Kisan melas, study tours, field days by registering.
Farmer’s can interact with the scientists at the Krishi Vigyan Kendra & get consultancy on issues related to agriculture & allied fields & information on advanced technological options.
Farmers can have demonstrations & trials on their fields that Krishi Vigyan Kendra arranges every year.
Get information on Weather so as to predict the disease outbreak in crops, & decide the water requirement of the crops.
Farmers can use the library facility at the Krishi Vigyan Kendra free of charge for reference work. Students doing research work in agriculture can also avail this facility.
Farmers can request Krishi Vigyan Kendra scientists to pay diagnostic visits to their problematic fields for getting curative & diagnostic recommendations.
Information (Farm Literature): Farm literature of PAU is being sold from KVK for the benefit of farmers. The monthly magazines such as Progressive Farming (English), Changi Kheti (Punjabi), Package of Practices in respect of kharif and Rabi crops, vegetables and fruit crops and Animal Science and many other important publications are sold to the farmers
In addition to this quaterly KVK newsletter is published by KVK for giving up to date information to the farming community about latest activities of the KVK. This publication is provided free of cost to the farmers of the region.
Provision of seed of improved crop varieties: KVK imparts trainings to farmers for production of seed of various varieties so that are able to produce seed at their own level. KVK produces seed of recommended varieties of various crops and sells at a price fixed by Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana.
Shade-net Demonstration unit
has been established as demonstration unit to provide information regarding nursery raising of vegetables. In this shade net nursery can be raised in off season, when there is high temperature in summers.
Bee Keeping Demonstration Unit
has been established for providing vocational training to the unemployed rural youth, farmers and farm women.
Polyhouse Demonstration Unit:
for demonstrating the off season cultivation of vegetables such as brinjal, capsicum, chillies and tomato, polyhouse has been established at KVK, Noormahal.
Vermicompost Demonstration unit:
This unit has been established at KVK, Farm for imparting training to the farmers on vermicomposting.
Drip & sprinkler irrigation system:
Krishi Vigyan Kendra ,has installed a demonstration unit on drip and sprinkler irrigation system over an area of one acre in orchard.Its operating pressure range varies between 1.5-2.5 kg/cm2.A Fertigation tank has attached with this system to apply fertilizer along with water to ptants. Farmers of the area are convinced to see this technology and they have shown interest to adopt this technology.
Development of Technology Park at KVK, campus
as per directions of Director of Extension Education, PAU, Ludhiana. KVK has established Technology Park at its farm to demonstrate different crop rotations, tensiometer, phermone traps, tricho cards, yellow sticky traps etc.
Plant health Clinic:
for the diagnosis of different fungal, viral and bacterial diseases, nutritional deficiencies, insect pest incidence and weed population, plant health clinic is being established at KVK, campus.
Soil and water testing laboratory
is being established for evaluating fertility status of soil and quality irrigation water. In this laboratory, organic carbon, EC and major nutrients of soil will be analyzed. This lab will help the farmers of the district for the judicious use of fertilizers.
Automatic weather station:
KVK, Noormahal has established an automatic weather station with the help of Indian Meteorological Department, Pune. This automatic weather station automatically records various parameters like air temperature, atmospheric pressure, wind speed & direction, rainfall, sun light duration etc. Based on this data farmers are guided accordingly.
Home Science Lab:
Home science laboratory was established in the year 2011 at KVK, Jalandhar, Nurmahal under Home-Science. The home-science lab is also known as Community Science laboratory. The laboratory is presently under the charge of Dr Kanchan Sandhu, Assistant professor Home-Science.
Various occupational and skill development trainings are planned and coordinated with an aim to generate income as well as address nutritional goals.
Need based, high quality trainings and other awareness programmes are consistently organised and managed in the home-science laboratory. Farmers, farm women, school drop outs and in-service candidates may get themselves enrolled.
The various extension activities like short duration, vocational and in service trainings and other programmes like awareness camps, campaigns, meetings, seminars, special days, exposure visits, exhibitions etc. are also organized and coordinated with align departments to make Self Helf Groups and clubs for income generation and rural development
Integrated farming system model unit:
Integrated Farming System (IFS) unit was established at KVK Jalandhar for demonstration purpose, which will help the visiting farmers to replicate at their fields. This IFS unit has the following components:
- Vermi-compost, Live Stock (Goatry, poultry birds), Vegetables, Agriculture (cereals, Pulses, sugarcane and medicinal crops), Horticulture, Bee-Keeping , Nursery and Azola Farming.
A nutrition gallery showcasing various diet related disease, prevention and their dietary cure is established by Home science division at KVK, Jalandhar. The nutrition gallery is established with an aim to spread basic nutritional awareness among KVK staff, farmer, farmer woman or youth, visiting KVK. An effort is made to disseminate nutrition awareness in the most attractive format and in easy to understand local language. The nutrition gallery is expected to benefit general population of varied age groups and physiological status like pregnancy, breast feeding mothers, adolescent girls etc.
To aware the KVK visitors with the latest technologies developed and promoted by Punjab Agricultural University, gadgets like solar cooker, solar dryer, sprout maker, sewing machines, umbrella machine etc. are displayed here.
A Nutri- Diet Clinic is also established by home science wing for diet planning and counseling pertaining to various lifestyle diseases and other ailments.