Other Activities

Action plan on Resource Conservation Technologies to be demonstrated during Kharif 2013 in adopted village

S.No.Name of technologyNo. of demonstrations
1Efficient management of irrigation water  in paddy using Tensiometer.5
2Efficient management of Nitrogen  in paddy using leaf color chart .5
3Importance of green manuring.5
4Crop diversification through pulse cultivation.5
5Kitchen gardening concept.5
6Soil testing , seed treatment and  parthenium eradication campaign.3
7Promotion of short duration basmati  variety PUSA- 1509.5
8 Demonstration on Direct seeded Rice.2
9 Demonstration on Laser land leveling.5

Sr. No.  Name of ActivityNo.
3Ex-trainee Sammelan1
4Awareness camp on Advances in Agriculture1
5Kisan-ghosti on cultivation of Kharif and Rabi crops2
6Awareness camp about social issues as well as campaign against excessive use of pesticides and gases in wells.2
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