Description of Jalandhar Distt. Total land of the district in 2.66 lac hectares out of which 2.41 lac hectare land is cultivated as well as irrigated. The district has ten blocks with 956 villages. Total population of the district is 19.63 lac including farmers population of 10.3 lac.
Major farming systems/enterprises
S. No | Farming system/enterprise |
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 | Rice- Wheat-Moong Rice-Potato-Sunflower Maize-Sugarcane Rice-Potato-Spring maize Rice-Potato-Cucurbits Rice-Wheat Wheat-fodder-Maize Dairy farming Poultry Farming Bee-Keeping Horticulture Nursery raising |
Land Holdings
Sr. no. | Category of Farmers | No of families |
1. | Marginal (<1 hac) | 3910 |
2. | Small (1-2 hac) | 7041 |
3. | Semi Medium (2-4 hac) | 14108 |
4. | Medium (4-10 hac) | 14385 |
5. | Large (>10 hac) | 4332 |
Total | 43776 |
Soil types
S. No | Soil type | Characteristics | Area in ha |
1. | Sandy loam | Low OC, Med P & Med to High K | —– |
2. | Loam | —–do—— |
Area, Production and Productivity of major crops cultivated in the district
S. No | Crop | Area (ha) | Production (Qtl) | Productivity (Qtl /ha) |
1. | Wheat | 167000 | 7410000 | 44.33 |
2. | Rice | 149000 | 5540000 | 37.18 |
3. | Maize | 13000 | 490000 | 37.69 |
4. | Sugarcane | 13000 | 7500000 | 576.9 |
5. | Potato | 20400 | 4132000 | 202.54 |
Problems of the District
- Depletion of water table
- Poor soil fertility & small land holding
- Farmers still follow traditional methods of agriculture
- Growing of nonrecommended varieties
- Anaemia and malnutrition in farm women and school going children
- Lack of awareness about balanced diet, importance of proper diet and child care.
- Improper use of pesticides
- Micronutrient deficiencies
- Over fertilization of crops
- Labour shortage for transplanting paddy
- unemployment among rural youth
- Improper spray techniques
- Growing of mixture of seed